Telepathic Talk

During telepathic contact and automatic writing i can connect with your animal through distance and time. In the dialoque that follows i can ask all the questions you have and dive deeper in the matter if it feels important or needs more clearing.

During this telepathic contact your animal is leading and i respond to not only what i recieve in words but also in energy, images. emotions and even smell. Most Telepathic Talks take about 2 hours and need not extra effort from you or your animal. As the contact is telepathic, you animal can stay in the comfort of its own surroundings while we talk.

Right after the talk you recieve the transcript of our talk which is most of the time between 4-6 A4 in a pdf. This allows you to re-read it over time as your eye will be attracted to those pieces which are now most relevant for you.

As telepathic contact is contact between the frequency of souls, its irrelevant if the soul is still in a body or not, only the bodily experience is lost but can still be talked about as animals remember many of their previous lives.

Telepathic Talk with one animal: € 70,-

(contact me for a custom price in case of multiple animals from one household)

Personal Zoom/Phone call

Its possible to talk on the phone or Zoom after you recieved the transcript of our talk if you prefer this. It can help clarify the anwsers you revieved and help you interpret the context better, seen from the Worldview of the Animals and how they perceive us. So in the end, you understand the anwsers of your beloved pet better and how to intergrate them in your daily life.

A Half hour: € 30,-
An hour: € 60,-

Trauma Healing

Sometimes something happens in the life of an animal what has such an impact that changes behaviour structurally. Most of the time an animal starts to show fear on unusual moments or display other unusual behaviour.

Most of the time its trauma caused by us humans as we display emotions and actions which are unknown to animals and they cant comprehend what happened.  Its like a stuck reccord, making them go into a panic and fear state.

To heal trauma by an animal i take as long as it takes, it can be a few days, it can be a few weeks to heal it and to help the animal go back into its normal state of being connected with Mother Earth and beeing part of the Normal Natural Order.

I start with a regular Telepathic Talk to get an idea of what's going on. To help your animal deal with the actual trauma, i will add a variation of Shamanic Techniques like Shamanic Breathing, visualisation, reliving the moment etc etc. Most of the time its very intense for both your animal as for me and i cry a lot while the animal releases its emotions to me so energy can start flowing again and is no longer stuck.

This process of connecting and releasing continues until your animal says its ok and can do the rest him/herself. At this point it is connected to the Universe and Mother Earth again and there is a distinct change noticable in the behaviour of your animal.

As this is an intense process, i advise not to have to many activities planned for your animal in that week / period of time and let it sleep as much as it wants as its healing and recovering. Your animal can stay in the comforts of its own home while we work together as all work is energetic and telepathic.

Most of the time it takes a few days till a few weeks of daily talks, check-ins and healing sessions (by distance) and during this time i will keep informing you about what we have done and what has been released.

Trauma Healing for one animal: € 120,-

(contact me for a custom price in case of multiple animals from one household)

Book yours here

Please fill in the form and send a photo of your animal to or to mobile +31-653465392 This doesn’t have to be a recent photo but please one where no other animal or human is in the picture as they influence the frequency im tuning on to.

Within a week i will talk to him/her and send you the transcription of our talk or trauma healing. I work with full discretion and confidiality and what an animal shares or doesnt want to share is leading for me.

Thank you again, and looking so much forward to connect!

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