Personal Guidance

We all have times that we would love to exchange thoughts and ideas with kindred souls or ask for advice from those who are more experienced in the fields we want to develop ourselves in. 

Sometimes just to receive confirmation to build confidance and sometimes for life changing experiences and insights.

Whatever your desire for development and growth might be, i would love to meet over Zoom and support you in this proces.

Personal Guidance of one hour: € 90,-

If you like to

  • Receive coaching after the course 'Language of Creation'
  • Understand your own high sensitivity more and learn how to let it work for you instead of against you
  • Discover your blue print and how to express more of your true Self into this World
  • Learn more about the Natural World and their World view
  • Explore spirituality & shamanism

One full hour live on Zoom


The Zoom session will be recorded if you like and send to you

All ages

Suitable for adults, teens and children (with a parent present)


This session can be held in English or Dutch

Easy booking

You can book your session easily through the form below

your one-on-one session

Booking form

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