Love Frequency
We all have beautiful memories where we fell in love, felt overwhelmed by it and felt our hearts just overflowed with warmth, sometimes even bringing tears into our eyes. A feeling so profound that it centers most of our lives around the search for it. But Love is also a frequency, flowing freely from the Universe towards Earth. And if you know how to tap into it, you can feel Love and being Loved without having to wait for an experience that overflows you like falling in love with a human being, animal, moment or (spiritual) experience.
This love frequency is always there and available for whomever wants to connect with it. It’s the Natural state of ‘being’ within Indigenous communities. It’s the Natural state of animals and all Nature, always continuously being connected to this frequency. Only trauma mainly caused by humans make them loose this connection and close their emotional heart.
During this course you will learn how to open your emotional heart and tap into this frequency of love. Experience how it feels to be connected with Nature. To feel how it response to your love and how this feeling of connection makes you never feel alone anymore, feeling whole. Feeling connected with all there is, surrounding you. Learn how to send this frequency to Mother Nature to help her heal, learn to send it to plants to help them grow, learn to send it to animals and see how they open up to you.
The frequency of Love is also a frequency that can help you manifest what you desire, attract love from another human being, create opportunities for your personal life & your career. Working together with this frequency can eventually change your life and help you live the life you dreamed off and create opportunity.
During this course Marieke will teach you how she learned to create by the teachings she received from the animals and the animal councils. It’s a basic 5 step way how creation according to the Animals works. Applied even into your practical daily activities with your pets will make them understand what you mean much more and enhance your connection with them. For instance walking with your dog will become much easier and harmonious as they fully understand what you want, the experience you wish for and created to happen. But you can apply these teachings to all aspects of your life as it Universal Knowledge. Applied into your daily life will help you to feel completely part of Nature again as you speak in essence the same language.
What we offer
Jungle and Marieke will guide you during this course through shamanic drum journey’s and Yoik (ancient Sami vocal technique) to help you connect with this life changing frequency and help you to stabilize your connection with it.
They will share their personal teachings given by indigenous upbringing, personal experiences with nature, plant medicine and the animals and share the teachings given by the Animal Councils themselves to help you integrate this Love frequency deeply into your live and being, helping you to create and work with this for the greater good of all.
Practical tasks will help you learn how to connect, tap and send this love frequency on your own and help in this challenging times to anchor this Love frequency on Earth, creating beauty and abundance for all.
Jungle Svonni is a Sami Shaman from one of the most isolated reindeer herding districts in Northern Sapmi.
Marieke Akgul is a Shamanic Animal Communicator from the Netherlands.
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Within a few days after registering you will recieve an e-mail with more information and a link to the Zoom meetings. We are looking forward meeting you.
Warm regards,
Jungle Svonni & Marieke Akgul